Lion-Serpent Fossil Necklace


Most mysterious in it’s nature, the Lion Serpent (Chnoubis, Yaldabaoth, etc…) is a powerful symbol in the Magical and Gnostic circles. Often associated with The Sun, Potency, Virility, and strength this image of nature arouses potent energies within us. This particular piece is designed to look like a fossilized creature discovered in the sands of a forgotten time. The head is the skull of a Roaring Lion, mounted atop 156 serpentine vertebrae which wrap about as if to mimic the Kundalini. It’s been written that the serpent's tail represents the Earth as it slithers across the ground, while its head represents enlightenment. There are even indicators that its origin goes back to Ancient Egyptian mythos as an amalgam of the Creator God Khnum and the serpent Kneph.

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