At my core, I am an Artist.
We all are.
We are all here to Create and Experience Art.
Let’s make some Magick!

About Made By Johnathan:

Welcome to Made by Johnathan, where jewelry transcends mere adornment to become portals to unseen worlds. As an artisan of the occult and esoteric, my journey is one of exploration and revelation. I've always been drawn to the hidden, the arcane, and the enigmatic, and this fascination finds its expression in the pieces I create.

Unveiling the Creative Process:

Every creation begins as a whisper in the ether, a faint echo of inspiration that beckons me to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe. Drawing from ancient symbolism, sacred geometry, and the rich tapestry of myth and legend, I channel these energies into tangible forms.

A Sacred Pact with Creativity:

For me, jewelry-making is more than a craft—it's a sacred pact with creativity itself. It's a journey of exploration, a dance with inspiration, and a testament to the limitless power of imagination. With each piece I create, I invite you to join me in this timeless ritual of creation and discovery.

Thelemic Jewelry:

While not all of my pieces are specifically Thelemic, a vast majority of them are Thelemically themed. I am catering to a niche audience who will appreciate the pieces for what they are.

You will also see that my Prices are set to important Thelemic numbers:
65 : Being the number of Liber LXV
156 : Being an enumeration of BABALON
220 : Being the number of Liber Al vel Legis
418 : A magical number associated with the keyword ABRAHADABRA